April 17, 2009
I Hate It. I Just Plain Hate It.
You know what I really hate this summer?
Not just the stupid heat. Or how fast the sun burns your skin. Or not even stupid FaceBook.
You know, with all the Paranoid PD and stuff. I dunno what's going on with people. I dunno what they're thinking about. I dunno what they're doing.
Should I know all these? No. But I always get the feeling that I have to.
How do I get over this? My gahd.
Yi. She is the one I really really like. But the feeling is fading(?). I dunno. She's not into me. And I feel she doesn't trust me. So be it.
Er. He's getting into my nerves. He's there and he's not there. I just don't feel anything good's gonna happen anymore once we broke each other's trust. And we did. SO goodbye, I guess?
San. He is the one that I do not care about anymore. He is the reason why people have something to talk about. Why did I ever befriend him?
Si. I hate them. They always act like they care. Some of them really do. Some of them just backstab like there's no tomorrow. Should you always find something to hate about me? I mean, seriously, did I kill your parents for me to deserve this?
Wu. He makes me sooooo confused. Is he mad at me or what? I dont see any problem but why does he act like we have a problem.
Liu. She makes me confused, too. Yesterday, she's there for you. And then the next day when you introduce new people that she would eventually like, she doesn't give a shit anymore.
Qi. She can't feel that I'm not into her. Is it too hard to understand? Whyd she have to make me look bad? Bitterness?
Ba. She doesn't entertain suitors yet. That's what I see. I liked her before. And I'm liking her again. It's bad news, man. 'Cause I dont see myself having any chance with her.
That's all.
Am I overthinking?
Why can't I get enough dose of inspirational quotes like "Friends come and go" shit and just live by these words?
Am I really made to suffer like this?
I tend to overanalyze. That's why my relationships with people always get intricate.
I always tell some of my friends. I think it feels good that you have a psychological disorder. But now, I'm telling you people. HELL, IT IS NOT EASY.
Now I told you what I'm getting paranoid about. Sooo it's your turn to get paranoid, too. Are you Yi? Er? San?
HAHAHAHAH! I hate summer! What the fudge. Bummed to the quadrillionth power! So sad. :(
"Go with the flow"
Still trying to internalize it.
Oh gahd. I hear cats fighting. Spookyyyy. Time for bed.
Hugs for Marjon! :) Hindi pa tayo nag sstudy, study buddy!ΓΌ
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