Fight for the sake of Corn Fields!
Hahahay ang saya. I'm gonna be there despite all hindrances. Did you know that my brother's birthday, the Grand Alumni Homecoming Day and the only day for my enrollment are all in the same day -- October 27. And all of them are going to happen in three different places. I'm only one human FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!
So I had to prioritize and I had to choose the Alumni Homecoming Day because it can't be postponed just for me. Man, that's my highschool turning 10. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
I had to go through a series of sacrifices to defer my enrollment but at God's mercy, the request for enrollment rescheduling was approved. I will enroll on November 4th - the official start of classes.
Man alive! I really had to suffer all the consequences existing in the universe.
My brother's birthday is on October 27 so I have to go home after the Alumni Homecoming. They had to postpone it for a few hours until I arrive. What if I don't arrive? HAHA. Yah seriously, I've only attended 4 Pisay birthdays. But with my brother? Come on. I watched him grow. Gimme a break. Haha.
La lang just wanna repost it as if it's a chain message! Haha.
10th Foundation Day Celebrations
October 26-30, 2008
First Day
October 26, 2008
08:30-10:00 - Thanksgiving Mass
10:00-11:30 - Motorcade
11:30-12:00 - Opening Program
12:00-01:00 - Lunch
01:00-03:00 - Field Demonstration
03:00-04:00 - Alumni Presentation
04:00-05:00 - Parents' Presentation
05:00-07:00 - Presentation for Cultural Show
07:00-09:00 - Dinner Show
Second Day
October 27, 2008
07:30-08:30 - Registration
08:30-09:30 - Tree Planting
*Inauguration and blessing of ACA Building/Research Hub
*Opening of Exhibit
09:30-12:00 - Games
*Lunch of the Guest
12:00-02:30 - Luncheon Meeting (Alumni, Faculty, and Staff)
Short Program
Election of Officers
Launching of the RFMJ Memorial Research Award
02:30-05:00 - Symposia: My University
05:00-07:00 - Preparation for the Gabi ng Parangal
07:00-09:00 - Gabi ng Parangal
09:00-11:00 - Socials
Third Day
October 28, 2008
04:00-05:00 - Diana/Serenade
05:00-08:00 - Preparation and decoration of the Bahay Kubo
08:00-08:30 - Breakfast
08:30-10:00 - Laro ng Lahi/Parlor Games
10:00-12:00 - Amateur Singing Contest (Inter-section)
12:00-01:00 - Lunch
01:00-02:00 - Street Dancing (Pisay students per year level)
02:00-05:00 - Literary Musical and Folkdance contest
Spelling Contest
Story telling
Kilos Awit
Vocal Solo (Pop song)
07:00-10:00 - Search for Mr and Ms Pisay-Bicol 2008
Fourth Day
October 29, 2008
07:30-08:00 - Registration
08:00-11:30 - Science Challenge Competition
11:30-12:00 - Awarding Ceremony
12:00-01:00 - Lunch Break
01:00-01:30 - Registration
Parent-Doctors of Pisay Bicol
01:30-04:30 - Local Math Olympiad
04:30-05:00 - Awarding Ceremony
07:00-11:00 - Faculty Night
Fifth Day
October 30, 2008
08:00-09:00 - Awarding and Closing Ceremonies
09:00-11:30 - Restoration
11:30-01:00 - Lunch
01:00- - Home Sweet Home
Yep that's the schedule. I probably will miss pretty much half of it if I attend my brother's birthday. Darn.