KATE The internet is really really great TREKKIE MONSTER For porn KATE I’ve got a fast connection so i don’t have to wait TREKKIE For porn KATE Huh? There's always some new site, TREKKIE For porn! I browse all day and night TREKKIE For porn! KATE It's like i’m surfing at the speed of light TREKKIE For porn! KATE Trekkie!
TREKKIE The internet is for porn KATE Trekkie! TREKKIE The internet is for porn, KATE What are you doing!? TREKKIE Why you think the net was born? Porn porn porn
KATE Treee—kkie! TREKKIE Oh hello kate monster KATE You are ruining my song TREKKIE Oh me sorry, me no mean to KATE Well if you wouldnt mind please being quiet for a minute so i can finish? TREKKIE Me no talkie KATE Good
I’m glad we have this new technology TREKKIE For porn KATE Which gives us untold opportunity TREKKIE For por—oops, sorry KATE Right from you own desktop TREKKIE For --- KATE You can research browse and shop Until you’ve had enough and your ready to stop TREKKIE FOR PORN!!
Trekkie! TREKKIE The internet is for porn! KATE Noooo TREKKIE The internet if for porn! KATE Trekkie TREKKIE Me up all night honking me horn to porn, porn, porn!
KATE That’s gross you’re a pervert TREKKIE Ah, sticks and stones Kate monster KATE NO really, your a pervert Normal people don’t sit at home and look At porn on the internet TREKKIE Ohhhh? KATE What?! TREKKIE You have no idea Ready normal people?
NORMAL PEOPLE Ready--- ready ----ready
TREKKIE Let me hear it!
TREKKIE AND GUYS The internet is for porn! PRINCETON Sorry kate TREKKIE AND GUYS The internet is for porn! PRINCETON I masturbate! TREKKIE AND GUYS All these guys unzip their flies For porn, porn, porn!
KATE The internet is not for porn!!
Now i know for a fact that you, Rob, check your portfolio and trade stocks online
ROB That’s correct.
KATE And Brian, you buy things on Amazon.com
KATE And Gary, you keep selling your possesions on Ebay
GARY Yes I do!
KATE And Princeton, you sent me that sweet online birthday card
TREKKIE Oh, but Kate- What you think he do . . .after? hmm?
KATE EEEWWWWW! TREKKIE AND GUYS The internet is for porn! KATE Gross! TREKKIE AND GUYS The internet is for porn! KATE I hate porn TREKKIE AND GUYS Grab your dick and double click KATE I hate you men! TREKKIE AND GUYS For porn, porn, porn! (harmonizing) porn, porn, porn, porn KATE I’m leaving! TREKKIE AND GUYS Porn, porn, porn, porn porn, porn, porn, porn KATE I hate the internet! TREKKIE AND GUYS Porn, porn, porn, porn
She was created from the failed transmutation of Scar's brother. She has the ability to extend her nails to infinite lengths and make them razor sharp. She appears to lead the homunculi Envy and Gluttony. Her tattoo of Oruboros is located on her chest.
He has the mentality of a child and a stomach that is always craving for food. Because of this, the only thing he thinks about is food. His ability is that he can devour anything, including metal. His tattoo of Oruboros is on his toung.
He is very old, though his exact age is unknown. His ability is to change his appearance into other people. He can mimic their voices as well. For an unknown reason he despises Edward because the blood of his dreaded enemy courses through his veins. Envy's tattoo of Oruboros is on his upper leg.
He is in truth King Bradley of the military. He was created by Dante specifically to infiltrate and control the military so that Dante could be the puppetmaster behind all the military actions. His tattoo of Oruboros is on his eye behind his eyepatch. The eye lets him see all possible outcomes of situations so he can predict the moves of an opponent before they even happen.
Sloth was created from the Elrics failed transmutation in the beginning of the series. She has the tattoo of Oruboros underneath her left shoulder. She acts like a mother to Wrath and takes care of him.
He was created by Dante. His power is to change his body into an impenetrable material formed from the carbon in his body, most likely diamond. His alias is the strongest shield because of this. Apparently he does not want to become human. After Edward pierces his heart with his auto-mail Greed reveals that the weakness homunculus have is that they become mortal when near the bones of their respective creator or of the people they were supposed to become. He dies shortly afterwards. His tattoo of Oruboros is on his hand.
This little child is in reality the evil homunculus Wrath. He was created by Izumi Curtis and he took Edward's arm and leg when Edward performed a human transmutation and now he wants the rest of Ed's body so that he can become a human. His tattoo of Oruboros is on the bottom of his foot.
The hosts of the Pinoy Dream Academy, which will be starting in today (August 12), are:
Sam Milby and Toni Gonzaga
Pinoy Dream Academy will not only be shown on ABS-CBN Channel. It will also be aired on Studio 23, just like what they did with the 3 seasons of Pinoy Big Brother hosted by Asia Agcaoili. The PDA on Studio 23 will be hosted by JC Cuadrado and Bettina Carlos.
For the last time, What is Pinoy Dream Academy?
Pinoy Dream Academy is another collaborative show of Endemol and ABS-CBN just like the Pinoy Big Brother and Deal or No Deal franchises. This show gives oppurtunities to star wannabees to reach stardom and maximize their star potentials.
Originally known as Star Academy, its emerging popularity brought about its franchises in various part of the world. Africa refers to it as Project Fame while in the US it’s touted as The One: Making a Music Star. Other countries who caught the Star Academy fever are the UK, Turkey, Spain, Russia, Romania, Portugal, the Netherlands, Middle East, Mexico, Italy, India, Greece, Germany, France, Chile, Canada, Bulgaria, Brazil, Belgium, and Argentina.
In spite of the various names that its been called in each country, the mechanics are basically the same, wherein the “academy” is being managed by a principal and teachers are there to teach the students various artistic disciplines. Day and night the students will be monitored by hidden cameras and there would be weekly live performances of the students where they will showcase the things they have learned and practiced in the past week. During the concert, a panel of jurors will choose the students who will be nominated for the week. The public then gets to vote for the student they want to remain at the academy.
Star Academy is actually the second biggest reality show franchise in the world - the top being Big Brother; and soon will invade the Philippines television.
In just two days, Marjonlandia reaches Rank 645 in Pinoy Top Blogs and in just A SINGLE DAY , it reaches Rank 695 in World's Top Blogs. I am so grateful and overwhelmed.
Last Friday, I've learned that Marjonlandia only reached Rank 1440 in PTB and, yesterday, 1890 in WTB . Wheew.. What a skyrocket!
Last last friday, when I checked the number of my blog's visitors, the meter showed 290 but when I checked out last friday, it showed 432. Wow!
Actually, it's my first perio this school year. It's my ninth because I'm already a Junior. Just wanna be 'dramatic', that's all. Anyway, Pisayanos, get ready! Especially the juniors! And pipz finish your projects. And dont leave a single responsibility. I mean, talk about it. I haven't finished my Physics Bring Home Activity, my Research Methodology and my Filipino Essay. I'm still deciding whether I'm going to have the trims on my 3 X 4 hair(It must be 4 X 5..Ssshh..). I still don't have a medicinal plant.
Click the buttons at the top of my sidebar (Pinoy Top Blogs and World's Top 100 Blogs).. And Click Yes!!! Please Help Marjonlandia!!! HOOOOOOOOO! Hehehe..
Whether for challenge, or for pushing the boundaries of what the Illustrator can do, or just for the sheer pleasure of creating, these brilliant artist has dazzled, wowed, and amazed me with the pyrotechnic showcasing of their technical mastery.